Hvar → Vela Luka

Hvar Vela Luka, 2025-02-23


  1. Karl Ofner

    We would like to go from Vela Luka to Hvar on 22.05.2023. We are 6 people and we also have to take our 6 e-bikes with us. Is it possible to go with the katamaran.

    • Maja


      Unfortunately, on catamarans / fast ferries, bringing a bicycle is not possible.
      However, these are the official regulations which sometimes change if there are not many passengers on the boat.
      I suggest you double-check this with Jadrolinija directly.

      Ferry Croatia Team

  2. Josipa

    Htjeli bi smo ići na Vela Luku sa Hvara.
    U koja doba danas se najkasnije vraća katamaran nazad? I dali se trebaju rezervirati karte?

    • Dino

      Poštovana Josipa,

      Katamaran Hvar-Vela Luka kreće u 16:25h. Za povratak iz Vele Luke, katamaran kreće rano ujutro (05:30 ili 08:05h, ovisno o danu).
      Karte uvijek rezervirajte unaprijed.


      Ferry Croatia Team

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