Tkon → Biograd Ferry
The ferry route linking Tkon and Biograd na Moru stands as the sole connection between the mainland and Island Pasman. This route operates regularly, with 13 daily departures during July and August, up to 12 departures in June and September, and as many as 10 departures daily for the remainder of the year. The journey from Tkon to Biograd na Moru spans a mere 20 minutes. The service operates daily throughout the year, although with reduced departures on certain public holidays.
Tkon Biograd na Moru , 2025-04-01
2024 Tkon to Biograd Ferry Prices
Here is the summer price list for the car ferry from Tkon to Biograd:
- Ticket price for the ferry: 3,32 € one way
Price calculations for different vehicles:
- Car with passengers:
- Car (Less than 5 meters in length, and two meters in height): 13.99 €
- 3 adults: 3 * 3.32 € = 9.96 €
- Total: 23.95 € for one-way trip
- Round trip price: 47.9 € or approximately 15.97 € per person
- Bus with passengers:
- For a bus with space for 30 people and 22 passengers: 59.46 € (including the bus and the passengers)
Prices for other vehicle sizes, motorcycles, bicycles, buses, and trucks can be found in the price list provided.