Construction work finishes in Preko ferry port
Installation of five new fenders on the western part of Preko ferry port on Ugljan Island has finished, Zadar County Port Authority has stated. Preko ferry port is the busiest island port, with the most passengers and vehicle arrivals in Zadar County. Since July 2020, Preko ferry port and Gazenica port are connected with a new Jadrolinija ferry called Ugljan. The ferry is 102 meters long and 18 meters wide. That is why, for passengers’ safety, it was necessary to install new fenders, on a larger height than it was so far.
Fender installation was preceded by making five concrete fortifications which are needed so that fenders can be put on top of them. Fender installation was done by company Švenda Tarmann Chemie d.o.o. Total value of the fenders was about 12 thousand Euros. Concrete fortifications were done by company PGP d.o.o from Zagreb, and they were valued at 20 thousand Euros. Supervision of the entire job was done by the office of a certified engineer from Zadar. After the fender installation, safety of ferry boarding was significantly increased, especially for ferries coming from Gazenica port.
Additionally, Zadar County Port Authority also informed about another action, this time on Pasman Island. A 15.35 meter shipwreck was pulled out of the sea near the Mrljane port. The shipwreck made it harder for boats to board the port, and therefore endangered security of travelers. After the action was done, another 15 utility berths were put to use, which was impossible before.
Source: BNM Portal