Vis to Hvar ferry

The Ferry from Vis to Hvar connects islands Hvar and Vis. Getting from Island Vis to Island Hvar is getting popular over the years. Till recently, it was not that easy to travel between these two destinations. Today, there are 2 direct ferry connections between Vis and Hvar town, one from Jadrolinija and the other one from TP Line carrier.

Jadrolinija offers only 1 weekly departure in the summer months, more precisely on Tuesdays at 7:15 am. The travel time is about 50 minutes.

TP Line offers 1 daily departure in the summer season with a similar travel time of about 55 minutes. The ferry departs at 4:15 afternoon.

If the timetable for these catamarans from Vis to Hvar does not suit your travel plan, the alternative would be to take a car ferry from Vis to Split and then take a catamaran from Split to Hvar, if you look at a map you will see that it is a lot of going back and forth, but unfortunately, that is the best alternative there is unless you are willing to pay for a taxi boat!

Vis Hvar , 2025-02-23

There are 5 people currently looking how to get from Vis to Hvar !
16:15 Vis
0h 55m
17:10 Hvar
per passenger

Operational intervals
30.06. - 03.09.

TP Line
Please Note: Operating ferry company reserves the right to alter sailing times. We do our utmost to ensure the accuracy of the information provided here on Ferrycroatia, but is recommended to check all schedules/timetables with the operating ferry company.

Map travel route Vis - Hvar

2024 Vis to Hvar Ferry Prices

Below you can see the summer price list for the catmaran ferry from Vis to Hvar. The Jadrolinija summer season catamaran price is 7,37 € one way, in the shoulder season price is only 4,51 €

Text and travel tips by Morten Smalby a travel Nomad living in Split Croatia