Zadar to Preko
Zadar and Preko on Island Ugljan is the most frequent ferry connection in Croatia, in July and August, there are up to 29 daily departures between them, in June and September around 25 departures and the rest of the year up to 20 daily departures. The sailing time between Zadar and Preko is about 20 to 25 minutes. Please note that the majority of the departures are with a car ferry from the port Zadar Gaženica, the other departures are with passenger ships from the old town, If you do a search above for ferry from Zadar to Preko, you will notice the different Icons next to the arrival times, indicated whether the departure is with the car ferry or with a passenger ship.
Zadar Preko , 2025-03-08
Please note twice a day the car ferry also stops at the Island Osljak on the way to Preko.
FAQ Zadar – Preko
City bus line number 9 drives from the old town and the main bus station to the Gaženica port.
As both have the same price and almost the same crossing time, it’s basically a question about what is most convenient in relation to where you are staying.
There are fewer pet restrictions to follow on the car ferry, you can read more here.
Unfortunately not, the price is the same in each direction.
Yes, on the passenger ship as well on the car ferry it is possible to be outside during the crossing.
There is no other ferry connection to Island Ugljan, but as it is connected to Island Pasman via a bridge, you can take the car ferry from Biograd to Tkon and then drive to Island Ugljan from there.
2024 Zadar to Preko Ferry Price
Below you can see the summer price list for the car ferry from Zadar to Preko, the foot passenger price for the catamaran is 3,45 € one way. It often happens that people travelling by, car or bus get a bit confused about how to calculate the price, so here are a few examples
Car with passengers
If you are e.g. 3 adults and a regular car going on the ferry, the price calculations for one-way tickets are the following, car (Less than 5 meters in length, and two meters in height) = 15,79 € + 3 adults (3 * 3,45 € Kn) = 10,35 €, so in total, your price will be 26,14 €. As there is no discount for return tickets the round trip price will be 52,29 € or roughly 17,40 € per person.
Bus with passengers
For a bus the way of calculating is different, if you have a bus with space for 30 people and 22 passengers, the price is 73,79 €, which includes the bus and the passengers!